Kishor balanStart your first iOS Application Pentest with me.. (Part- 1)Hola Heckers,Jan 14, 20233Jan 14, 20233
Igor S. BederovFind out the IP address through a call to Telegram…1️⃣ Download Wireshark (, open it and be sure to specify the protocol we need in the filter — STUN…May 28, 20236May 28, 20236
RGAdventures of Netflix Windows app debuggingLearn what content distribution and protection tech is under the hood of Netflix. JavaScript packed in Windows UWP app & PlayReady DRM.Feb 23, 20201Feb 23, 20201
🇸🇬 🇲🇾 DazzleworthSGSecure App is using DexProtector — Part 1It should be an open source thing, but its not.Jun 28, 20222Jun 28, 20222
InFACILELOGINbyPrabath SiriwardenaJWT, JWS and JWE for Not So Dummies! (Part I)JSON Web Token (JWT) defines a container to transport data between interested parties. It became an IETF standard in May 2015 with the RFC…Apr 27, 201625Apr 27, 201625